

It started with stabbing, shooting pain. Vaginal and rectal pain so severe I couldn’t walk because every time I put a foot down the pain would sear through me like a knife. Aching across my abdomen from left to right, from my belly button down...

In the span of five years, my family physician prescribed different types of birth control pills and none of them worked. My menstrual cycle lasts two to three weeks, with heavy to medium to low flow. Had a few ultrasounds and a technician was baffled...

Ever since going through gender transition 25 years ago I've been completely open about who I am, because my family, GP, and other people in my life have been accepting. That support is amazing and definitely helped me deal with the discrimination and ignorance I've...

It is exhausting and can be discouraging; however, I feel that this will change. I can sense a lot of positive action is coming our way, and that everyone has to advocate for themselves and really push for more funding for research to be done,...

At this point in my disease, it affects all aspects of my life. I am not free to be spontaneous, because my diet is so restricted and I need meal plans. Even with planned "safe" meals, I still get digestive pain often times. I'm exhausted...

I believe that all general practitioners, psychologists, and clinics should be equipped with a basic level of information to understand that if a uterus-having person is experiencing pain, that is not normal. There is so much of our culture that confirms that period pain is...

 Knowing you are in so much pain, and not knowing why, really does have an impact on your mental health. It doesn’t help when you get the run around from doctors, being told it’s all in your head and nothings physically wrong. I didn’t sleep...

In recent years the pain has spread and a lot of my pain now comes from my back and legs. My back pain during my period makes it hard to move and is one of the most difficult symptoms to manage, as it’s hard to...

While there have been steps towards better education, it needs to continue. Canada has world class Healthcare but we need to do better in terms of supporting those with chronic pain. We need to better educate Healthcare. We need better access across the board but...

Endometriosis took away most of my high school experience for me. I missed a lot of school because of how pain I was in, and it affected my mental health because nobody understood how badly it hurt. I started believing that I was just being...

I have not had a pain-free day in over 6 months. Some days the pelvic pain is so bad that I am laying on the floor and screaming out in agony. In those moments, I have no comprehension of how the pain will pass and...

The fact that took me so long to be diagnosed with endometriosis makes me scared that it will be back any moment, and I will not be able to know before it is too late. Any symptoms that I have, drive me crazy thinking that...