

I definitely would have chosen excision, but I was not given an option. He operated on me while I was put out for the initial diagnostic laparoscopy. It took 7 years of dismissal and being told everything was in my head just to find out...

I think there are huge steps to improve the health care for endo. There is a huge lack of funding that should be put towards research and treatment. This disease affects 1 in 10. That's over 2.6 million women in Canada alone, and a huge...

I remember I was told I was in surgery for 5 1/2 hours, because the surgeon couldn't believe how much endo grew in my body. I remember waking up in my hospital room, which was a semi private room to a nurse waking me up...

Since endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women, endometriosis identification and care need to be better integrated into medical school training. Primary care providers need to be made more aware of endometriosis symptoms - including atypical presentations - in order to refer patients for timely specialist...

I remember waking up one night and being in the worst pain of my life. I couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t cry out for help. I laid there not knowing what to do. Eventually it faded and I fell back asleep. It happened the next...

One minute everything is fine. The next minute pain strikes so hard I lose my vision. Nausea sets in. I am doubled over in pain and don’t know if I can make it home safely. My internal organ functions are compromised are on a cycle...

I recently got diagnosed several months ago with both stage 4 endometriosis and adenomyosis. It’s been a nightmare - nobody seems to understand the unbearable pain both emotionally and physically with this chronic disease. To add to this, knowing I cannot have children is killing...

I was calling in sick for my shifts at the hospital, as I was unable to keep up with my heavy patient load with the amount of pain I was experiencing. My gynecologist told me that if I put a new IUD in, my symptoms...

Endometriosis affects everything in my day-to-day life. It affects my moods which can swing rapidly. It also affects my ability to complete assignments for my university classes. The fatigue causes a lot of brain fog making it hard to write essays. Worst of all, endometriosis...

It makes it very difficult for my partner and I to have fun. Although sex can be painful at times, the emotional aspect has driven more of a wedge into our intimacy. I fear of being in pain. I fear of not being enough of...

It had a huge impact on my life , I wasn’t able to work, go to college, have a social life, travel, and I lived in fear I would wake up in pain and end up in the hospital. I didn’t feel like myself during...

The first time I had endo pain it scared me so much and my work was not supportive. Between the pain, the stress at being treated the way I was, I missed some critical errors by another person and the end result is that I...