
Mathew Leonardi

Photo Mathew Leonardi

Dr Mathew Leonardi MD, FRCSC is an advanced gynaecological surgeon and ultrasound specialist at McMaster University Medical Centre in Hamilton, Ontario. His clinical practice focuses on caring for patients with endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain, spanning the spectrum from diagnosis to surgical management of advanced disease. He is an Assistant Professor at McMaster University in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is currently completing his PhD at the University of Sydney, Australia which is focused on the utility of ultrasound in the diagnosis and surgical management of endometriosis. Since immersing himself in the clinical and academic world of endometriosis, he has published numerous peer-reviewed scientific articles, several textbook chapters, and presented at many international conferences on endometriosis. He has received numerous awards for his presentations on endometriosis. Now, Dr. Leonardi is a nationally and internationally recognized leader in gynaecological surgery and ultrasound. He is thrilled to be a part of EndoAct to work closely with other stakeholders across Canada to increase the awareness of endometriosis, improve research in this field, and better the clinical care of those suffering from the disease.

Dr. Leonardi reports grants from Abbvie and the Australian Women and Children’s Research Foundation, and personal fees from GE Healthcare, outside EndoAct Canada work.