Philippa Bridge-Cook, PhD, is a science advisor and consultant, medical writer, and the chair of the board of The Endometriosis Network Canada, the only registered charity patient organization for endometriosis in Canada. She believes that, for a variety of reasons, endometriosis has long been a neglected disease in terms of funding, research, and quality of care, and that it is time for endometriosis to receive the kind of funding and prioritization that other major diseases with similar impacts have received for decades. Dr. Bridge-Cook has suffered from endometriosis since she was 13 years old, although it wasn’t diagnosed until she was 34 years old. As one of the founding members, former Executive Director, and current chair of the board of The Endometriosis Network Canada, Philippa has dedicated countless hours to helping people with endometriosis receive accurate information, support, community and improved care for their disease. As a medical writer and scientific consultant, Dr. Bridge-Cook has participated in numerous medical advisory boards and development of new standard of care guidelines, which is experience that she believes will be valuable as she adds her expertise as the co-chair of EndoAct Canada.
Dr. Bridge-Cook has nothing to disclose.