
New Brunswick Tag

Je ne pouvais pas marcher pour 2-3 jours à chaque mois. La douleur allait jusqu’aux genoux. Au secondaire, il y avait beaucoup d’escaliers. Je devais me tenir sur la rampe et je montais de peine et de misère. Donc, je restais à la maison....

At the age of 14 I was hospitalized for excruciating pain in my right abdomen. I went through lots of tests and a diet change while I was in hospital for 2 weeks. When I was discharged I was told they didn't know what caused...

I sometimes feel like giving up, like I can't go through it again, month after month. It takes so much energy and willingness out of me to go through the pain. Why me? Why is my body working so hard to put me through this?...