
Ontario Tag

I was first told in 2006, at the age of 13, that I 'likely' had endometriosis--this was because I had started getting periods and they lasted for months on end-- 8-11 months was my average. They were heavy and painful, I was fainting and bleeding...

Living with an invisible illness is awful. When you live in pain and everyone tells you that you “look fine” is demoralizing. You are made to feel like it’s all in your head. No one understands, nor do they want to. Women and girls especially...

My life is significantly different since my symptoms began impacting me. Work is much harder, I am more fatigued and work out less. It is also agitating my spinal stenosis....

It took 10 years, I was misdiagnosed multiple times, my tests kept coming back normal but I was not getting pregnant this was a key indicator. The doctors were dismissive. I fought for my right to be heard that's how I was diagnosed...

At thirteen I was told I had suspected endometriosis and took oral contraceptives to control my pain and abnormal bleeding into my twenties. Upon stopping birth control at 24, my periods were erratic, irregular, and heavier than I was used to--similar to how they were...

My first endometriosis flare occurred when I was 34, about 2 years after coming off oral contraceptives. My period came and along with it was a stabbing pain on the right side of my stomach. I though I had appendicitis. I was super nauseous...

The day before I get my period is the worst day. Suddenly, I’ll get the most intense pain in my pelvic area. It’s so bad that I physically can’t move without wanting to scream. I’ll take Naproxen and go into the shower and allow the...

Endometriosis is invisible. I'm pretty sure if someone looked at me, they would not be able to tell I am in pain. I hide it well because I don't have a choice. I need to go to school and work, I need to do things...

It took decades for me to find a doctor that would listen to me about the negative impacts my periods were having on my life. I have only ever been offered various pain prescriptions. Hospital visits offered the most (albeit temporary) relief through a combination...

I cannot be spontaneous and have missed many social gatherings. My illness makes me unreliable at times. As someone who is un-partnered, dating has been difficult due to ablelist mentalities & my inability to predict my symptoms nor timeline of treatment....

Lower back + pelvic + abdomen pain, sharp stabbing pain in my ovaries, weakness in my legs and occasionally trouble walking, fatigue, trouble breathing through the pain, insomnia, nausea, chills/shaking, pressure in lower abdomen, bloating....

The biggest impact has been in failing to conceive for over 18 months, and going through fertility treatment cycles with no success. Since I've always wanted children, this has been a challenging journey, and one I feared most when receiving my diagnosis. Financially, it is...