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Endometriosis is debilitating. There are days I’m in so much pain that I can’t get out of bed. It is really hard to live your life when you are terrified the pain will come back unexpectedly....

I knew the pain that came with my periods was not normal right off the bat. I would be the only one missing days of school, the only I knew who needed help walking to and from the bathroom just to painfully urinate. At 14...

I am constantly tired and in pain everyday, some days I find it hard to do anything, but because I have a child I force myself to get up— I fear my tiredness impacts my ability to do as much with her in a day....

When I am at my greatest pain it feels like my insides are being slowly ripped. I have stabbing pains in my pelvis. It hurts to do everything - go to the bathroom, have sex, walk around, I curl up some nights in the fetal...

I live with daily cramping, sometimes manageable, sometimes so bad I can't get out of bed. The pain radiates through my left side and down my back and leg. Gas pain brings me to my knees. I don't remember the last time I went a...

The pain and effects on my life triggered depression so in addition to having to deal with bad pain I had to deal with clinical depression. My sleep was affected because of the pain, my sex life, my family and friends life, everything. Since my...

I suffered from painful periods my entire life, and when I was 27 I began to cry during a Pap smear and begged the student doctor to please help me. I was missing work and unable to function 2-3 days of the month because of...

Endometriosis is something that I'm constantly having to plan around. I know that when I get my period I'll be bedridden, so I have to decline social events because of it, or constantly try to reschedule things. If I can't cancel or reschedule something, I...

My family doctor dismissed my pain for 2-3 years saying everyone experiences cramping. I tried to tell him that there was "no way this is normal!". As a teenager I started to need to visit the emergency department for pain management during menstruation. I was...

It took me a very long time to get diagnosed. I was not diagnosed until I turned 33 years. My husband (at that time) and I were trying to get pregnant and it was a struggle. I was just told to take pain killers for...

I was first told in 2006, at the age of 13, that I 'likely' had endometriosis--this was because I had started getting periods and they lasted for months on end-- 8-11 months was my average. They were heavy and painful, I was fainting and bleeding...