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I was in nursing school in a pandemic when the symptoms started. My pain felt like a sharp stabbing pain and it was located on my right side. This pain usually happened prior to my menstrual periods but eventually then became an ongoing issue. The...

This disease is like no other; Prior to excision surgery, I daily felt like I was being impaled by a tree branch in my abdomen coupled with feeling like my back was being sawed in half. I also had extreme fatigue, “foggy brain”, migraines, unpredictable...

I have anxiety because I'm always anticipating pain. I'm afraid to be in public alone when a flare up hits. Sometimes something as simple as urinating gives me anxiety because pain usually follows. I've suffered from depression on and off because of my limitations. Sometimes...

My symptoms come and go, are sometimes vague, and difficult to connect with any definitive imaging or testing. I've been on Visanne for the past couple of years which has definitely helped decrease the severity of my symptoms but not get rid of them...

Endometriosis can make every relationship hard, especially an intimate one. We look fine on the outside but are struggling so much on the inside. Every time I am hit with a pain flare up I am frustrated and sad and have to grieve feeling normal....

I deal with severe cramps, exhaustion, occasional nausea, and pain in lower back and down the back of my legs....

Lower back + pelvic + abdomen pain, sharp stabbing pain in my ovaries, weakness in my legs and occasionally trouble walking, fatigue, trouble breathing through the pain, insomnia, nausea, chills/shaking, pressure in lower abdomen, bloating....

 My pain would last weeks then subside for a few weeks then come right back. Sometimes it wouldn’t really stop. I couldn’t stand up straight , it would always be sharp knife like pains and then just tight cramps. Even sitting sometimes would cause a...

There are so many symptoms that can be a result of endometriosis; extreme pain, bloating, mental health impact, physical limitations. A bad day results in not being able to get out of bed and many times, not being able to look after yourself due to...

The biggest impact has been in failing to conceive for over 18 months, and going through fertility treatment cycles with no success. Since I've always wanted children, this has been a challenging journey, and one I feared most when receiving my diagnosis. Financially, it is...

It started with stabbing, shooting pain. Vaginal and rectal pain so severe I couldn’t walk because every time I put a foot down the pain would sear through me like a knife. Aching across my abdomen from left to right, from my belly button down...

In the span of five years, my family physician prescribed different types of birth control pills and none of them worked. My menstrual cycle lasts two to three weeks, with heavy to medium to low flow. Had a few ultrasounds and a technician was baffled...